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Are Steel Modular Greenhouses and Growrooms the Future of Agriculture?

As population numbers worldwide continue to rise, food production and availability continue to represent an ever-growing need. By many estimates, the world population is set to increase by nearly 2 billion over the next three decades. At the same time, farming, farmland, and crop yields are facing a decline.

Fortunately, there are real solutions available. Modern farmers have a viable alternative to greenhouse farming, which may be the answer many seek.

Is Future Farming Indoors?

Traditional farming has played an invaluable role in the development of modern society. With greater and larger food production means, the US and countless other countries have been able to feed and clothe the world. In particular, food production has been a backbone of growth and expansion across the planet.

As of late, though, there is a growing concern surrounding food production and the sustainability of traditional farming in the near and distant future. Natural resources are being consumed at increasing rates as the human population grows, with water, land, and clean air ranking as some of the most critical issues facing our world.

Traditional farming is running into issues of availability of viable farmland, poorer growing conditions, declining crop yields, and a host of other environmental and economic factors that continue to challenge farming beyond the required physicality.

Modern farmers have to mind their water consumption and soil conditions. They are constantly fighting against pests and the potential for crop blight. Plus, changing climate conditions add to the uncertainty about a farming future.

With these and other factors in mind, many farmers are considering moving to a greenhouse gardening or grow-room approach for cultivating and harvesting crops.

What are Grow Rooms?

Grow Rooms, greenhouses and indoor cultivation all represent a new wave of farming that moves the agricultural process into an enclosed or partially enclosed building. These indoor growing facilities offer greater control and monitoring of growing conditions and greater protection from harmful or destructive environmental threats or changes.

Grow rooms can come in various shapes and sizes to meet the farmer’s or their crops’ needs. Steel buildings are some of the more popular options, as they can be customized or configured relatively quickly and are a durable and cost-effective choice for many agricultural needs.

The Benefits of Grow Rooms

Deciding to use grow rooms and indoor farming set-ups can offer many benefits in many different areas of agriculture, economics, and the environment.

  • Reduced water usage- One of the first benefits many indoor farmers will notice is the reduction of water and natural resources across the board. By implementing focused irrigation in grow rooms, farmers can reduce their water usage drastically. Plus, any overflow or drainage can be captured and reused.
  • Fewer pesticides- Since indoor farming places barriers between outdoor environments, the usage of pesticides to control crop killers is also minimal. In some cases, alternative pest reduction through the use of predatory species reduces pesticide usage altogether. Fewer pesticides also mean less water usage for washing off crops. Another win for water usage and grow rooms.
  • Less soil degradation- Since grow rooms and greenhouses don’t usually rely on planting in topsoil, loss of this valuable resource can be significantly reduced. Many grow rooms incorporate hydroponic or raised bed technology, which are far more sustainable than traditional farming.
  • Optimal growing and working conditions- Grow rooms also offer consistent environmental conditions year-round. This means crop production, harvesting, and distribution can also continue throughout the year. This leads to greater yields, more profits, and the ability to employ full-time farming assistants instead of seasonal staff. Not only is the farmer given an economic boost, but they, in turn, supply more and better jobs, often with improved indoor working conditions.
  • Reduced carbon footprint- Grow room and greenhouse farming are representing essential steps towards greater environmental sustainability and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Smaller farms require less machinery and often have less composted waste. They also require less energy to run. Many grow rooms will use natural sunlight as much as possible for light and temperature control.
  • Less overall farm space needed- One of the most significant advantages to grow rooms is the reduction in overall square footage required to produce the same yields as outdoor farms. Considering that a 60-acre grow house can produce the same yield as a 1,600-acre outdoor farm, it’s easy to see why indoor facilities represent a significant advantage.
  • More local opportunities- With grow rooms able to offer needed farming output, while requiring a fraction of the space traditional farms need, it’s also possible for more local farms to exist within communities. Imagine a series of indoor farms which can supply all of the needed fruits and veggies for a region or community. Not only will residents be given greater access to farm fresh produce, but shipping costs and logistics could also be reduced, further benefiting the economy and environment.
  • Improved local farm community- With more indoor farms available to survive in a region, reinvigorating and growing the overall farming community is possible. Support and sustainability from the community and local farmers can be a key for an economic and agricultural prosperity.

How Growrooms are Changing Everything

As more citizens and farmers become aware of these possibilities for transforming the farming landscape, the interest in these practices continues to grow. This includes many related or adjacent industries to the farming industry, such as irrigation, lighting, and steel structures for grow rooms.

Much like the growth of technology or green energy possibilities, indoor, greenhouse, or grow room farming seems poised to become an important facet of the future of food production and sustainable farming practices. The changing attitudes are most evident when larger corporate interests show up on the fringes of this farming revolution. Although not fully ready to take over traditional farming, there’s no doubt that these systems have a bright potential future.

Stake Your Claim

When it comes to indoor grow rooms or greenhouse farming, one of the most important aspects is the quality of the building in which the farm will be housed. Building with steel offers an excellent alternative to wood or concrete, as it is highly durable, corrosion-resistant, and long-lasting. At Coastal Steel Structures, we strive to offer our clients the best possible options for their agricultural needs, as well as supply buildings for various other possibilities. Contact us today to explore the opportunities and design your next steel structure.


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