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Why Choose Steel Self Storage Buildings?

Self Storage Buildings:

Just like our steel structures, no two people are exactly alike. But we do all seem to have one thing in common – we’ve all got stuff. Families on the coast have boats that only get used half the year, couples in the mountains have summer clothes that they swear they’ll take out of their boxes one day. Kids have old toys and keepsakes that parents are waiting patiently to pass down to grandchildren. No matter what your “stuff” looks like, everyone needs a place to store it. That’s why Self Storage Buildings is such an incredible business opportunity. But not all self-storage facilities are created equal.

Self-storage used to be a bit simpler, but as people expand on the types of things they want to store, these facilities start to get a little more involved. The only structures built to keep up with those needs are made from the sturdiest, most sustainable material on the market: steel.

Why steel Self Storage Buildings?

Protection from the elements: While many self-storage buildings in the past offered no utilities, customers now demand a climate controlled, protected environment for their storage needs. Steel structures provide an efficient means to provide electricity, water, and heat at your lowest possible cost. And unlike other organic building materials, steel can withstand everything from extreme weather elements to pests, keeping everyone’s stuff safe from critters, hurricanes, and more.

Customization: The original self-storage concept looked much more like a row of garages. But today, customers expect a more aesthetically pleasing facility, built to match the local environment and to stay up to date on modern designs and technology. Steel structures offer a variety of customizations to improve the look of the interior and exterior of the building. Choose from exterior finished such as brickwork, masonry, stucco, and wood siding to create a welcoming design concept.

Accommodate a variety of needs: no two steel structures will be built exactly alike. The clear span structure of steel buildings allows for a wide-open concept with no beams to break up the interior of the space. Each storage facility can be built to the exact needs of your market. The possibilities are endless with the power of steel. You can even create units fit for all of these storage options within one building:

  • boats
  • RVs and cars
  • wholesale inventory
  • Industrial equipment
  • personal self-storage
  • professional files
  • Antiques and furniture

About Us

We are Coastal Steel Structures, your trusted brand for prefabricated steel buildings. By creating rigorous standards for durability and quality for a variety of industries, we have ensured that our buildings are consistently the best available. For nearly 15 years, we’ve served your needs in virtually every industry, from agricultural to equestrian, recreational to residential. Fast delivery, simple assembly, and unbeatable warranties – to learn more about the benefits of cost-effective steel for your industry, visit us here at

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